Maternal Health Events

Welcome to the Foundation’s public health program events page! All events are free and open to the community or program participants. Find the classes or events that interest you below.


Childbirth Education Classes

Learn new parenting basics and other useful information to prepare yourself for the birth experience! Lessons include: nutrition, relaxation techniques, stages of labor, breastfeeding, partner support and more!

There are two classes per ‘session’. Participants must attend both classes in the month you register.

Where: Virtual

When: 1/22 and 1/29



Lactation Cafe

Calling all new mothers! Join us to receive breastfeeding support from Certified Lactation Consultants and counselors. Meet other moms, share tips, and socialize in a relaxed and safe atmosphere. There will be breastfeeding supplies, demonstrations and more! A welcome care bag will be given to new attendees. Babies and pregnant or postpartum birth people are welcome! There will also be refreshments, raffles for small appliances, a live breast pump demonstration as well as free samples! (Option to attend via Zoom if you can’t join in person!)

Where and When:

Stay tuned for future dates.

Registration coming soon.


Self Care + Wellness Series

Pregnancy and motherhood can be incredibly stressful, and it’s easy to lose sight of your own well-being. Join our wellness series to shift your focus back to self-care within a supportive group environment.

Where: Ruth Bennett Community Room, 1350 W. 9th Street, Chester, PA (the November classes are virtual)

When: 2/19, 3/19 and 11/19

Registration coming soon!


Tips and Videos

Interested in learning more as you go through your pregnancy and early parenting days? Check out our videos that offer quick, useful tips!