Delaware County is our home.
Our roots in Delaware County are deep. We trace our history back to the nonprofit Crozer-Keystone Health System and its affiliated hospitals that collectively served our community for more than a century. When Prospect Medical Holdings Inc. acquired Crozer-Keystone in 2016, the health system was no longer considered a nonprofit organization, and federal law required that the nonprofit assets of the original entity be set aside in a fully separate and independent charity. This paved the way for our opening as the largest community foundation in Delaware County on July 1, 2016.
Since then, the foundation has awarded more than $14 million in grants, scholarships, and charitable support. Additionally, our community health programs have provided direct supportive services for more than 8,000 clients each year. We have established a reputation as a community leader by energizing participation and partnerships across our communities, addressing critical quality of life issues, and providing meaningful resources for nonprofits and donors.
Within this short time period, we have defined the unique role we play as a leader in Delaware County and continue to evolve alongside new opportunities to expand our impact. The Foundation for Delaware County is committed to working resourcefully for the benefit of the people of our county, while promoting health equity and championing collaboration. We understand the power that lies in partnership and hope you will join us in driving Delaware County forward.